A. THE YORUBA NATION AND NINAS Several Yoruba citizens have asked questions about the role of NINAS as regards to the self determination struggle of the Yoruba Nation. We would like to first explain what NINAS is all about. @NINAS_CFM B. NINAS means the Nigerian indigenous Nationalities for self determination. This alliance comprises the indigenous ethnic nationalities in Southern Nigeria and the Middle Belt. C. The Yoruba Nation being an ethnic Nationality indigenous to the South Western part of the Nigerian contraption is part of the NINAS alliance. Ilana Omo Oodua the largest umbrella body for all self determination groups in Yorubaland led by the Alana for the Yoruba Nation. D. Professor Banji Akintoye, is the representative of the Yoruba Nation in the NINAS alliance. Ilana Omo Oodua has been instrumental and diligent in properly representing the Yoruba Nation in the NINAS alliance. E. The NINAS alliance has taken peaceful steps in the self determination struggle for the indigenous people in the Middle Belt and the South. On December 16, 2021, the Constitutional Force Majeure was activated by NINAS where Ilana Omo Oodua (representing the Yoruba Nation) and other alliance territories made declarations which gave back sovereign powers to the indigenous people within the contraption called Nigeria. F. We would like to assure all Yoruba citizens that Ilana Omo Oodua will continue to pursue peaceful means towards the actualisation of a sovereign Yoruba Nation. G. Every Yoruba identifying individual across the world has a responsibilty to support and join the freedom fight for the freedom of Yorubaland from Feudalism and neo-colonialism. H. Ilana omo Oodua is responsible for the successful application and collaboration of the Yoruba Nation to CONIFA, UNPO, NINAS, powerful diplomatic alliances with the international community and many more, and we will still use all that we have and are to serve the Yoruba Nation. I. *We are not giving this glory to ourselves alone, every achievement goes to all Yoruba sons and daughters, HENCE, we are calling on you to join us in achieving this great mission* J. You can contact Ilana Omo Oodua via our website . May Olodumare continue to bless the Yoruba Nation . Ilana Omo Oodua; Diaspora Secretariat 16/05/2021 Follow @OdudwaRepublic on Twitter.